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2 November 2017 09:45-16:00East West University

Bangladesh in the past has been a model of reduction of food wastage because most of the country is either middle class or poor. Among the people, it is almost impossible to think of throwing food away and excess food is always distributed or consumed later. However, Dhaka, the capital, with its increasingly developing richer class of people and the ever-increasing number of restaurants has been seeing a huge amount of food wastage. The event is going to be a seminar held in Dhaka, followed by a networking session for the SI Alumni in Bangladesh.   

Objective: The objective here is to raise awareness on the issue of food sustainability in the context of Bangladesh. As the students live in the capital city, they often are detached with the source of their food and process of producing the food that they eat. The seminar will attempt to share the knowledge of prevalent agriculture in the country. It will also shed light on the greater impact of the student’s own eating habits on the economy as well as the agricultural industry.

Planned activities: The seminar will be led by an agricultural expert speaking on the issue of food sustainability.  The agricultural expert will be speaking on how our habits today of consuming more than we produce domestically will be affecting our future along with the issue of food wastage in a developing country like us. There will be a quiz session at the end among the students to make the seminar interesting.

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Mustafa Nizamul Aziz
Rashedul Amin Tuhin
Syeda Farhana Afroz
Shimsad Narmeen